
US Army Corps of Engineers

Coastal Inlets Research Program

Surface-water Modeling System (SMS)

The Surface Water Modeling System (SMS) is a comprehensive environment for one- and two-dimensional models dealing with surface water applications. Hydrodynamic models include CMS-Flow, ADH, FESWMS, ADCIRC, and TUFLOW. The hydrodynamic models cover a range of applications including river flow analysis, rural and urban flooding, estuary and inlet modeling, and modeling of large coastal domains. Additional functionalities include advection/diffusion and sediment transport (FESWMS). Wave models in SMS include CMS-Wave, STWAVE, BOUSS2D, and CGWAVE and include both spectral and wave transformation models. The Particle Tracking Model (PTM) tracks particles added to the water column to help evaluate sediment transport and environmental impacts. In addition, the generic model interface allows users to use the powerful mesh building tools with numeric engines that do not have custom interfaces. SMS can import data from a variety of files including text, CAD, and GIS files. SMS contains many visualizations options including contours (filled or linear), flow/velocity vectors, creation of animations, and exporting to Google Earth or GIS.

SMS 13.3 - July 2024

SMS 13.3 versions
USACE Users SMS 13.3.7 (64-bit) is the latest version for USACE Users on CorpsNet. We are working to get a newer version approved and uploaded soon.
All Other Users SMS 13.3.x (64-bit) - Latest version ~838 MB Release Notes

SMS 13.2 - Aug 2023

SMS 13.2 versions
USACE Users SMS 13.2.12 (64-bit) is the last version for USACE Users on CorpsNet.
All Other Users SMS 13.2.18 (64-bit) - Updated 16 August 2023 ~835 MB Release Notes

Note: New behavior - All Depth-related datasets are now positive UP within the SMS interface

SMS 13.1 - Jul 2021

SMS 13.1 versions
USACE Users SMS 13.1 (Update 15) ~618 MB Release Notes
All Other Users SMS 13.1.24 (64-bit)
Last updated 10 August 2022
~618 MB Release Notes

An updated version will be added for Corps users to the App Portal soon.

Note: New behavior - All Depth-related datasets are now positive UP within the SMS interface

SMS 13.0 - Jun 2020

SMS 13.0 versions
SMS 13.0.14 (64-bit) - Updated 20 March 2019 ~455 MB Release Notes

Note: Previous 12.x issue with grid angle has been resolved in 13.0.3 and later.

SMS 12.3 - Dec 2018

SMS 12.3 versions
SMS 12.3.5 (64-bit) - December 2018 ~402 MB

Note: There is an issue with the angle written to the CMS parameter file (*.cmcards) that will affect some Flow/Wave steering runs. If you have a case where the answer looks quite odd, try changing the angle in the parameter file to 360 minus the angle given.

For example:
 - GRID_ANGLE written is 43.3
 - change GRID_ANGLE to 316.7 (360 - 43.3)

SMS 11.2 - Mar 2016

SMS 11.2 versions
SMS 11.2.16 (32-bit) - March 2016 ~305 MB Release Notes
SMS 11.2.16 (64-bit) - March 2016 ~344 MB

Points of Contact
For CIRP model support within the SMS:
For all other support for the SMS:
Engineer Research and Development Center
Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory
Vicksburg, MS 39180