WIS Portal Import Tool for CMS-Wave
(Updated March 2025)
The WaveNet meteorologic and oceanographic data repository, extraction, and formatting programs provided a common interface for modelers and analysts query data availability for their specific geographic region, accessed these data from their respective agency sources and output specific to numerical and analytical model data formats.
With the growing complexity and increased security measures needed for public-facing services, this tool has been removed and a new tool has been added to the WIS Data Portal server.
WaveNet functionality for obtaining model data in model format has been integrated into the new WIS Data Portal.
The first model to be integrated is CMS-Wave and initially operated only for WIS Stations.
As of March 2025, capability for NDBC buoys has been added.
Data from NDBC buoys may contain significant gaps due to unavailable data from the NDBC program.
The WIS group makes No effort to fill these gaps. Users should proceed with this understanding.
The two videos below give guidance on the WIS Portal Tool for extracting WIS station input as well as incorporating the extracted information into SMS 13.2+.