
US Army Corps of Engineers

Coastal Inlets Research Program


Citizen Science - Beach Grain Size Data Collection

The US Army Corps of Engineers, James Madison University, Marda Science, LLC and USGS have partnered together in an endeavor to develop a way to collect beach grain size information using citizen scientists armed with their cell phone and any US coin. We need beach sediment samples and images from all over the United States to test out processing techniques and your help will be quite valuable!
Click here to learn more and Participate.
Hole example
Creating Smooth Surface for Image
Quarter Example 1
Quarter Example 2

Thank you for your help! Our shorelines are a beautiful and dynamic area. In many areas they are also heavily developed and require active management. Good management begins with good science. The grain size will impact the beach shape and how easily sediment is eroded. Resource managers need this information to make sound management decisions.
Point of Contact
Engineer Research and Development Center
Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory
Vicksburg, MS 39180