
US Army Corps of Engineers

Coastal Inlets Research Program

CIRP Work Units by Fiscal Year

List of Storyboards by Work Unit for FY24
CMS Development, Verification/Validation, Technology Transfer and User Support
Coastal Shoreline Analysis Tool (CSAT) Product Development
Remote Sensing of Hazardous Shoals
CMS-Aeolis Model Coupling
GenCade Model Improvements and Documentation
Multi-scale Modeling Approach to Surf and Swash Zone Processes
CSHORE-Veg: Eco-morphodynamic Model Development and Validation
Extension of FUNWAVE-TVD for Modeling Highly Dispersive Waves Induced by Vessels and Winds in Relatively Deep Water and Variable Water Level
Coastal Rubble Mound Design Equations and Safety Levels
Coastal Inlet Resilience in 3D Geomorphic GIS for the Next-Generation US Tidal Inlets Atlas
Next-Generation Volume Change Tools
New Data Importation Capabilities for the Sediment Budget Analysis System
More storyboards to be added

Point of Contact
Mitchell Brown
Engineer Research and Development Center
Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory
Vicksburg, MS 39180