CIRP Technology-Transfer Workshop
1-3 December, 2009
Seattle District Offices, US Army Corps of Engineers
Seattle, WA
“Integrated Coastal Inlet Simulation with Applications”
CIRP Technology-Transfer Workshop
December 1-3, 2009
Seattle District Offices - Fairmont Room
4735 East Marginal Way South
Seattle, Washington 98134
The 11th annual CIRP technology-transfer workshop was held in Seattle, Washington, at the USACE Seattle District’s Fairmont Room, from December 1-3, 2009. This workshop had the largest crowd ever at such a CIRP event – 40 attendees – and included applications of the Coastal Modeling System at Grays Harbor, Washington; Shark River Inlet, NJ; and Humboldt Bay, CA. Presentations from engineers at the Alaska, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, and Hawaii USACE District offices highlighted regional coastal navigation projects. Attendees included representation from 10 USACE District offices, 12 consulting engineering firms, Navy, Washington State Department of Ecology, and academia. Special guests included Mr. Jim Walker, USACE Headquarters Navigation Business Line Manager, Mr. Jeff Lillycrop, Technical Director for Navigation, and Dr. John Headland, Distinguished Civilian Board member of the Coastal Engineering Research Board.
Our next technology-transfer workshop is tentatively scheduled for May 20-21, 2010, following the Coastal Working Group Meeting on May 18-19, in New Orleans. Watch the CIRP website for details and to register for this workshop as information becomes available.
Julie Dean Rosati and CIRP PIs
Julie Dean Rosati, PhD, PE
ERDC, Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory
Workshop Agenda with links to presentations - updated 11/29/2009 (PDF)
List of Attendees
Name |
Affiliation |
Email Address |
Wendy Shaw |
Alaska District |
Wendy.L.Shaw@usace.army.mil |
Justin Callahan |
Baltimore District |
Justin.Callahan@usace.army.mil |
Tom Laczo |
Baltimore District |
Thomas.D.Laczo@usace.army.mil |
Joseph Reed |
Baltimore District |
Joseph.C.Reed@usace.army.mil |
Ali Sharif |
Baltimore District |
Ali.Sharif@usace.army.mil |
Josh Toepfer |
Baltimore District |
Joshua.F.Toepfer@usace.army.mil |
Gregory Mausolf |
Detroit District |
Gregory.M.Mausolf@usace.army.mil |
Jay Rosati |
James.Rosati.III@usace.army.mil |
Jessie Chism |
Galveston District |
Jessie.K.Chism@usace.army.mil |
Justin Goo |
Honolulu District |
Justin.A.Goo@usace.army.mil |
Kelly Legault |
Jacksonville District |
Kelly.R.Legault@usace.army.mil |
Justin Farenga |
New York District |
Justin.E.Farenga@usace.army.mil |
Rod Moritz |
Portland District |
Hans.R.Moritz@usace.army.mil |
James Zoulas |
San Francisco District |
James.G.Zoulas@usace.army.mil |
Scott H Brown |
Seattle District |
Scott.H.Brown@usace.army.mil |
John A Hicks |
Seattle District |
John.A.Hicks@usace.army.mil |
Michael Giovannozzi |
Seattle District |
Michael.A.Giovannozzi@usace.army.mil |
David Michalsen |
Seattle District |
David.R.Michalsen@usace.army.mil |
John L Pell |
Seattle District |
John.L.Pell@usace.army.mil |
Pamela Christian |
Naval Undersea Warfare Center |
Pamela.Christian@navy.mil |
George Kaminsky |
Washington State Department of Ecology |
gkam461@ecy.wa.gov |
Matthew Salmon |
AECOM, Seattle |
Matthew.Salmon@aecom.com |
Kathy Ketteridge |
Anchor QEA, Inc. |
kketteridge@anchorqea.com |
Don Kingery |
Don.Kingery@CH2M.com |
Adele Buttolph |
Coastal Analysis |
abuttolph@eoni.com |
Eduardo Sierra-Carrascal |
Coast and Harbor Engineering |
eduardo@coastharboreng.com |
Kenneth Connell |
Golder Associates |
Kenneth_Connell@golder.com |
Phil Osborne |
Golder Associates |
Phil_Osborne@golder.com |
Luce Bassetti |
Halcrow Group |
lbassetti@halcrow.com |
Brian Joyner |
Halcrow Group |
bjoyner@halcrow.com |
Joel Darnell |
HDR, Inc. |
Joel.Darnell@hdrinc.com |
Chia-Chi Lu |
Noble Consultants, Inc. |
cclu@nobleconsultants.com |
Catherine Petroff |
LP4 Associates |
cpetroff@lp4associates.com |
John Headland |
Moffatt and Nichol |
jheadland@moffattnichol.com |
Nels Sultan |
P|N|D Engineers, Inc. |
NSultan@pndengineers.com |
Ajay Sampath |
P|N|D Engineers, Inc. |
ASampath@pndengineers.com |
Jude Benavides |
University of Texas, Brownsville |
Jude.Benavides@utb.edu |
Danuta Mogilska |
University of Texas, Brownsville |
Danuta.Mogilska@utb.edu |
List of Presenters
Hiram Arden, NWS |
Hiram.T.Arden@usace.army.mil |
Tanya Beck, ERDC |
Tanya.M.Beck@usace.army.mil |
Mitchell Brown, ERDC |
Mitchell.E.Brown@usace.army.mil |
Ashley Frey, ERDC |
Ashley.E.Frey@usace.army.mil |
Justin Goo, POH |
Justin.A.Goo@usace.army.mil |
Honghai Li, ERDC |
Honghai.Li@usace.army.mil |
Jeff Lillycrop, ERDC |
Jeff.Lillycrop@usace.army.mil |
Lihwa Lin, ERDC |
Lihwa.Lin@usace.army.mil |
David Michalsen, NWS |
David.R.Michalsen@usace.army.mil |
Rod Moritz, NWP |
Hans.R.Moritz@usace.army.mil |
Julie Rosati, ERDC |
Julie.D.Rosati@usace.army.mil |
Alex Sanchez, ERDC |
Alejandro.Sanchez@usace.army.mil |
Wendy Shaw, POA |
Wendy.L.Shaw@usace.army.mil |
Jim Walker, HQ |
James.E.Walker@usace.army.mil |
James Zoulas, SPN |
James.G.Zoulas@usace.army.mil |